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EvidenceBANK ATM (Automatic Transfer Module)
Now you control your "Chain of Custody" with an internal cloud based software manages all your digital based evidence in a single case file
EvidenceBank ATM Dock supports up to 20 DutyVUE body worn cameras per module and can be daisy chained for larger requirements.
The solution does automatic file transfer of recorded video and audio evidence without the need for human supervision. Each DutyVUE body worn camera has a unique internal ID number, which serves as the anchor for the EvidenceBank software to identify each body worn camera.
Agencies use their own servers and storage which keeps the cost of the EvidenceBank Transfer Dock to a minimum. The docks can be configured to handle up to 32 body worn cameras for the transfer process. The software manages file retention, duplication and chain of custody issues.
Auto Transfer
Auto Search
Simple Operaton
Password Protected
Stream Video
Share Files
Still Photos
Audio Files
Text Files
Refresh Cameras
Recharge Cameras
Secure or Open Bay
Standalone or Network
Supports 20 Cameras
12 Month Warranty
Until now, your agency was forced to commit to a multi year contract for back office media management and lose control of internal "Chain of Custody". Now there's an affordable alternative with EvidenceBank ATM.
Multi Level Password Protection Access
Manages DutyVUE Digital Still Photos
You own the cloud, You CONTROL the cost
Purveyors of body worn digital video evidence gathering technologies
Manages DutyVUE Audio Evidence
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